Learn About Reformation Day!

Reformation Day is celebrated on October 31st and it commemorates Martin Luther’s nailing the 95 thesis on the Wittenburg Door and the protests against the sins of the Roman Catholic church. The Christian faith was profoundly impacted by the Reformers: Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Ulrich Zwingli, Jan Hus and many more.

Learn more about them and their work, and the blood they shed at the hands of their enemies as they worked to produce the Bible you hold in your hand today.

Here are some documentaries and movies freely available (at this time) on YouTube:

John Wycliffe, The Morning Star of the Reformation
Just ignore the bad acting. It’s worth it.



Starring Joseph Finnes. Excellent movie! This one should be required for every Christian home.


Martin Luther (1953)
I haven’t watched this one yet, but I hear it’s very good.


The Protestant Reformation
It’s a multi-part video.


A Lamp In The Dark – The Untold History Of The Bible
The first 1/2 is pretty good, but the 2nd half gets a little too thick on the Jesuit stuff for my blood. Reminds me of Jack T Chick a bit too much.



(NOTE: I don’t vouch for every detail of the historical or doctrinal accuracy of these videos. Watch them anyway. And I don’t vouch for the legality of the postings either.)

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