Infinite love, infinite …??

If logic can be used to explore reality, here are some questions that may be worth kicking around:

  1. God is infinite (and we know He is), and
  2. He shows infinite love to those who trust in Christ to save them from the wrath of God to come by giving them infinite/eternal heaven (and we know He does)…
  3. Does it then follow that God’s infinite nature also applies to those He infinitely/eternally punishes in hell (and we know hell is eternal), and
  4. If we call the first sentiment ‘love’, what do we call the 2nd sentiment?

Here are some verses in support of the above questions:

1: 1 Kings 8:27; Job 36:26; Job 9:10; Psalm 145:3; Rom. 11:33-36
2: Matt 25:41-46; Rom 8:28-39; Eph 2:4-10; 2 Thess 1:5-10
3: Matt 18:8; Matt 25:41-46; 2 Thess 1:9
4: (What verses would you put here?)

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