Every now and then I’ll run into people (usually Dispensationalists) who insist that the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) is a different occasion than Luke 6 (a passage they refer to as “The Sermon on the Plain”).
The Sermon on the Mount – Carl Bloch, 1890
When they compare the two, they […]
What do people in heaven think of people in hell?
Can people in heaven see people in hell and vice-versa?
While many within conservative Christianity prefer not to think about the question (and who can blame them?), the Bible actually addresses this question with some consistency. Here are a few passages worth considering.
On one […]
Studying Revelation in BSF has kinda put a different spin on Romans for me. Check out these passages [with comments]:
[+] … I saw under the *altar* the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne. They cried out with a […]
Many people teach that the Holy Spirit was “on” the OT saints, but post-Pentecost, is now “in” the NT saints. They gloss over the fact that the Bible never actually teaches this, and frequently mentions the opposite. I find this a little disconcerting: since it’s not actually stated in the Bible, where then did this […]
There are some who would pause at the idea of people being able to deny the Master who bought them. What does that mean? Take a look: But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the […]
Isaiah chapter 53 is perhaps one of the best chapters that shows the mechanics of how the substitutionary atonement works. Regrettably, it’s full of pronouns, and that makes it easy to overlook exactly what is happening in the atonement. Several years ago, one of my mentors suggested that I re-write the chapter and replace all […]
In 2 Cor 4, who is the “god of this age”?
And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the […]
When it comes to differences of faith, we often repeat the saying “In essentials, Unity. In non-essentials, Diversity. In all things, Charity.”
While this is a necessary process, we have to first determine who gets to decide what is essential and what is not?
What criteria do they use?
Where do they get their criteria, […]
IMHO, Acts 15 is the 2nd most important chapter in the book thus far. It gives us a brief overview of the first great debate for the people of “The Way”. At issue: was circumcision a requirement for salvation (v5)? There are several parts about The Great Debate (or “The Jerusalem Council” as it’s more […]
This is a follow up to my previous article on the association of the Holy Spirit to the believers in the OT and NT.
Here’s a table to all the references I can find in the Bible where the Spirit of God (or Christ) is said to affect a person. The words used are typically […]