The Arrest of Jesus vs the Arrest of Paul

The story of Paul’s final arrest begins in Acts 21. There are some very interesting parallels between his arrest and Jesus’ arrest.


Jesus -> His ministry was to suffer and die for the glory of God (Phil 2:6-11)Paul -> “I will show him how much he must suffer for My name’s sake” (Acts […]

An Acceptable Form Of Slavery?

What would you think of a country that legalized slavery under the following strict conditions:

No one in society can be kidnapped or be the product of kidnapping. Anyone caught kidnapping (or found to be in possession of a kidnapped person) would be tried, and if found guilty, would be executed by the […]

A Creation Skit

I think I have a future in writing Sunday School Skits. I think I’ll call my publishing company “Skits Afrenia”.


MOSES: Hello kids!!

KIDS: Grandpa Moses! Grandpa Moses! It’s been so long since we’ve seen you!KID1: Ooooo – your face is glowing! Can I touch it?KID2: Better not. You might die!!KID3: Grandpa! Did […]

Open Theism VS 1 Samuel 23

Open Theists will regularly champion 1 Sam 23 as a defense for God not knowing the future. The problem is that 1 Sam 23 only defends Open Theism if you 1) limit your analysis to 1st stage thinking, and then 2) add an argument from silence. But should you follow through with the consequences […]

Women in Warfare: A Brief Look at a Few Biblical Scenarios

[Disclaimer: if you’re not interested in challenging your assumptions and cultural norms, this is probably not for you]

Several peculiar scenarios can be seen in the Bible as we look at the intersection of women and warfare. Since cultural norms and sensibilities vary wildly across space and time, 21st century readers can arrive at […]

Omnitemporal God?

Here’s a thought I’m kicking around:

Is God is omni-temporal (outside of time; yet present in every moment of time)?

If He is also omniscient, then we can properly say that every movement of every man’s actions of every day are written out as if it were in a book before he began […]

430 Years From When to Sinai?

Beni Hasan depiction of Semitic migrants entering Egypt. Dated to be around 1700 BC

When Jacob (aka, Israel) hears that his son is alive and well in Egypt, he packs up his things and starts heading south to see his son. At the border of Egypt, he pauses to make a sacrifice.

[+] So […]

Slave Destinations

Most people are not aware that of the 12.5 million slaves dragged off the shores of Africa, only 4% arrived in the US/colonies. The majority of the slaves went to south and central America (and the Caribbean Islands). Folks interested in these kinds of numbers would appreciate taking a look at the TransAtlantic Slave […]

On Racism and Systemic Racism

I had a couple of interesting conversations about race with a couple of guys from church over the past week. One is black, the other is white. Both went to seminary, and neither are on the ‘woke’ end of the spectrum.

During the conversation, I asked them to define “systemic racism”. One guy paused […]

Creation and Time

The fundamental properties of the universe (space, time and matter) are referenced in the first verse of the first chapter of the first book of the Bible: “In the beginning (Time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter).” Genesis 1:1. Indeed, in the Hebrew Bible, the very first word is “התחלה” which […]